Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sentence Writing Week 1

Some people clap at the end of the show because they really enjoy it.

When you are walking down the stairs, take one step at a time.

A lot of people get sick from a disease in Africa.

If you throw a rock in the water it will sink.

There is no such thing as luck because we believe in Allah SWT.

A farmer plants his crop in Spring.

My mom packs a snack to bring to school every day.

My siblings make a mess when they play toys.

I like to sing songs about my head with my siblings.

Everybody must shut the door quietly so no one is disturbed.

Review your answers so you don't miss a question.

When you are disappointed don't stamp your foot.

If you see a rock jump over it.

When you snap your fingers it makes a click sound.

My dad bring me to a duck pond to see how ducks behave in their habitat.

Our neighbor has a cat that meows loudly at night.

This man is a stranger because I don't know anything about him.

My mother has lots of cans in the kitchen.

There are many anthills in the backyard.