One day, a superhero named Michael Recycle flew over Pleasantville. His mission was to help the town people recycle objects such as newspaper, cans, and glass. He wanted people to recall what the town looked like before pollution started, so he showed them a picture of a clean town and said,"Can you do it? Yes, you can!"
The town people agreed to recycle items to clean up the town. They were uncertain if they could do a good job but they all pitched in. They used precut boxes to store soda cans. The Mayor collected and unloaded stacks of newspapers at the recycling center. Everyone put food scraps into compost bins that they built in their backyard. When there were any recycling chores left undone, the Mayor completed them.
Michael Recycle was proud of the people's efforts. He gave a pictre of the clean and beautiful Pleasantville to the town people. The town people shouted with delight, "Thank you, Michael Recycle! We promise to reuse, reduce, and recycle in Pleasantville!"